title slide
Dont Talk about you too much
an awesome distro .. bugger to update
a great distro for new users includes all the main codecs etc..
Can use any text editor hovercraft is written in python convert restructured text in html slides using impress.js
this slide seems to have disapeared off the screen.
is used to create the slides
---- denotes a new slide
Restructured text is a markup language heavily used in the python sphinx documentation. doc utils is used to proccess the restructuredText
are created with underlineing the text
title ===== denotesg H1 title ----- denotes H2 title ..... denotes H3
titles levels cannot be skipped
images are easy to include
.. image: img/logo.png :width: 50px :height: 50px
any images included in slides will be copied to output folder
can be included by using a
:: indenting the text
can be added to the rst file by
.. note:: inented text as note
add more notes
def day_of_year(month, day): return (month -1) * 30 + day_of_month
code is highlighted using pygments supporting various laguages code cal also be run using manuel
fields starting with data- will be converted to impress.js attributes eg ..
data-x x-axis data-y y-axis data-z z-axis data-rotate rotation in degrees also data-rotate-x,y,z data-scale
positioning is abasalute by default. Relative is available by prepending value with "r" eg. r200px
Pygments==1.6 configparser==3.3.0r2 docutils==0.10 hovercraft==1.2.dev0 lxml==3.1.0 svg.path==1.0b1 wsgiref==0.1.2
hovecraft can be installed with command
pip install hovercraft
Email : kris.findlay@krisilis.com twitter: azmodie Google Plus
Any Questions ?
hovercraft : https://github.com/regebro/hovercraft restructuredText : http://docutils.sourceforge.net/rst.html impressjs : https://github.com/bartaz/impress.js
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